Our Service & Process


Customer Service

The satisfaction of your customers is our top priority. That's why we offer them outstanding support dedicated to their challenges and problems in 16 languages. Our team of experts looks after your customers professionally and can take over costumer support for you.


Sales processes and order management

Our team has many years of experience in the payment industry and is continuously undergoing training. In doing so, we acquire unique know-how, which we use to your advantage. Our expertise adds value to your sales processes and order fulfillments, ensuring best practices.


Identity Management System

Our identity management platform identify enables fast and uncomplicated onboarding of new customers. We identify your customers on the basis of their identification documents in a few minutes that are GwG and BaFin compliant. To increase the conversion rate, we arrange appointments in advance to save you the usually long waiting times. You can easily view and control the entire process in real time. Benefit from our smart solution for your KYC process.


Digital Onboarding

In a maximum of twenty minutes to the signing of the contract – this goal is a challenge even in the modern age. That's why we work exclusively with a self-developed digital onboarding process that guides your customers quickly and easily through the process. Generate new customers with BSS in no time who will stay with you long-term.